Interested in increasing your crypto holdings with no fees? Then putting your money to work with Prodigy Dual Investment is a great addition to your HOLDing or investment strategy.

Dual Investment is a non-principal protected structured financial product involving two different tokens, such as WBTC-USDC. On Prodigy, you’ll find Dual Investment vaults offering attractive APYs and short investment periods enabling you to be as efficient and flexible as possible with your strategy.

Let’s go through some practical examples with our easy-to-use web interface. Prodigy Dual Investment presents you with opportunities to buy or sell WBTC at your desired price, called the Linked Price.

To get started with Dual Investment, you choose between two strategies: Buy Low or Sell High.

Buy Low

With Buy Low, you can buy WBTC with your USDC by choosing a Linked Price that is set below the current market price.

For this example, the current price of WBTC is $42,647 and you want to buy WBTC at a Linked Price of $40,000. You deposit $25,000 USDC into a Buy Low vault which has an APY of 21.90%.

The following scenarios are possible:

Scenario 1: On the expiration date, if the market price at expiration is less than or equal to $40,000 you will receive WBTC at the Linked Price price of $40,000, plus you’ll receive rewards in WBTC, for a total of 0.627 WBTC.

Scenario 2: On the expiration date, if the market price at expiration is above $40,000, your principal will be returned and you’ll earn extra USDC, for a total of $25,080 USDC.

Sell High

With the Sell High, you can sell your WBTC for USDC by choosing a Linked Price that is set above the current market price.

For this example, the current price of WBTC is $42,647 and you want to sell at a Linked Price of $43,750. You deposit 1 WBTC into a Sell High vault which has an APY of 73.28%.

The following scenarios are possible:

Scenario 1: On the expiration date, if the market price at expiration is less than $43,750, you will receive your principal and earn extra WBTC, for a total of 1.0087 WBTC.

Scenario 2: On the expiration date, if the market price at expiration is greater than or equal to $43,750, you’ll sell your WBTC for USDC at the Linked Price of $43,750, plus you’ll receive rewards in USDC, for a total of $44,130.63.

Follow these simple steps to get started

  1. Go to
  2. Click Connect Wallet in the upper right of the screen.
  3. Choose Buy Low or Sell High to review available vaults. 
  4. Next select a vault with the Linked Price, APY, and Expiration Date that fits your strategy, then click Subscribe
  5. Enter a value in Subscription Amount and click the Above and Below scenarios to model your possible outcomes.
  6. Click Confirm to subscribe.
  7. Return on the Expiration Date (1 hour after 16:00 UTC+8) to withdraw!

You can also try the testnet for our Dual Investment platform today! For more information on using our testnet, see this guide.

Today we’re excited to introduce Prodigy and our first product, Dual Investment. Prodigy is a next-gen, permissionless decentralized finance (DeFi) platform building premium trading products for retail and institutional traders. With years of experience developing traditional finance and Web3 products, we’re building best-in-class DeFi products focused on high performance, transparency, and customer satisfaction.

Our Dual Investment platform provides smart money managers with the opportunity to maximize the value of your assets while earning premium interest. Whether you’re a HODLer, a hedger, or an investment manager – such as a DAO treasury manager or Web3 CFO, Dual Investment is a smart addition to any diversified investment strategy with the potential to deliver exceptionally high returns.

For a quick read on how Dual Investment works, read Getting Started with Dual Investment.


The key benefits of Dual Investment are:

Capital & Time Efficient

  • Every vault offers interest for depositing your funds: Yield is offered with every vault so that no matter the outcome at expiration, you earn interest for depositing your funds.
  • Fast: Create or subscribe to a vault in mere minutes.
  • Short Tenors: Vaults range in length from 1 day to 7 days, thus you should be able to find a vault suitable for your short-term investment goals.
  • No Subscriber Fees: There are no fees to vault subscribers. You just pay gas when depositing and withdrawing funds. We’re launching on the Polygon network, so gas fees are super cheap!
  • Low operational overhead: Each vault is a smart contract that transparently and securely handles all of the operations of a vault. You just return one hour after expiration to withdraw your returns!


  • Open to Anyone: In traditional finance, Dual Investment products are often only offered to the wealthiest bank customers. With Prodigy Dual Investment, anyone can deposit into a vault with as little as $1.
  • Democratized Liquidity: We offer a Liquidity Provider program for parties who have the assets to make a market.
  • No Intermediaries: Your funds are safely locked in the vault’s smart contract. There are no central intermediaries/middlemen that obfuscate where your funds are.
  • Smart Contracts handle all operations: A new smart contract is created per vault to handle all vault operations automatically.


  • Every smart contract is available for review: Each smart contract is published publicly to the blockchain. You can check the settings and funds at any time.
  • Clear Deposit, APY, Reward, and Settlement formulae: We provide clear formulae for each key function in each smart contract and in our documentation.
  • Clear settlement process: Each vault has an Expiration Date. We take the last posted market price (Market Price at Expiration) for Bitcoin at 16:00 UTC+8 on any given date.
  • No auctions to achieve settlement at vault end: We do not rely on auctions to settle vault transactions. Both parties – subscribers and the LP – deposit into the vault, thus the vault has all the logic and liquidity to carry out trades and rewards.

Vaults Powered by Smart Contracts

Our Dual Investment product is powered by smart contracts and Chainlink price oracles, making it decentralized and transparent. 

Each created vault creates a new smart contract. Once deposited, your funds are locked in the smart contract until settlement. Your funds are never lent out or used for other purposes.

More Info

For more info on how to use our Dual Investment product, refer to our User Guide and FAQ (located at the bottom of the product page).

Welcome to Prodigy! We’re very excited to have you participate in our development process as we prepare to launch the first product on our platform, Dual Investment. The Dual Investment Testnet presents an incredible opportunity for users to help us get our dual investment product ready for mainnet by being part of building the protocol.

While we will begin with Dual Investment on Polygon, later this year we look forward to the testnet and launch of our Perpetual Futures product.

Testnet User Guide

This User Guide provides detailed instructions on the basic operations of the Prodigy Dual Investment testnet.


  • Laptop or desktop computer
  • Connection to the internet
  • Web browser compatible with MetaMask: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Brave
  • MetaMask wallet (which installs as an extension on supported web browsers)

NOTE: You will not need your own mainnet funds to use the testnet. You will be provided with instructions to collect testing currency.

NOTE: If you have previously installed MetaMask, we recommend creating a new account within your MetaMask wallet for testing purposes.

Basic Steps

  1. Open Google Chrome and install MetaMask.
  2. Connect MetaMask to the Mumbai network.
  3. Acquire test currencies.
  4. Connect your wallet to the Prodigy Dual Investment testnet and start testing.
  5. Provide your feedback.

Create a MetaMask account for testing

For more information on installing MetaMask, see

  1. To download MetaMask, go to
  2. Complete MetaMask installation according to their instructions. Make sure to save your login credentials. You now have a new MetaMask account.

Note: If you have already installed MetaMask and want to create a separate account for testing purposes, click the account icon in the upper right corner of MetaMask and click Create Account. Following the instructions to complete account creation.

Connect MetaMask to the Mumbai test network

  1. Open Metamask.
  2. (Optional) With MetaMask open, click the account icon in the upper right corner of MetaMask and click Expand View to view MetaMask in a new Google Chrome tab. (This makes configuration easier.)
  3. Click the MetaMask account icon, then click Settings.
  4. From the menu on the left, click Networks.
  5. Click Add Network.
  6. Enter the following settings:
    1. Network Name: Mumbai
    2. New RPC URL:
    3. Chain ID: 80001
    4. Currency Symbol: MATIC
    5. (optional) Block explorer URL: 
  7. Click Save.

Acquire test currencies

  1. Acquire testnet MATIC. 
    1. Go to
    2. For Network, click Mumbai.
    3. For Select Token, select MATIC.
    4. For Wallet Address, go to your MetaMask wallet, move your mouse over your account number, and click Copy to Clipboard.
    5. Paste this address into Wallet Address.
    6. Click Submit.
  2. Acquire testnet WBTC. In your MetaMask wallet, click Import tokens.
    1. For Token Contract Address, enter the following: 0xd8125789fE92896660723165c9ac0E7C5e576312
    2. MetaMask will autocomplete the Token Symbol and Token Decimal.
    3. Click Add custom token.
  3. Acquire testnet USDC. In your MetaMask wallet, click Import tokens.
    1. For Token Contract Address, enter the following: 0xF950EBcf00884C78A873aC94025D0Ba8249F430F
    2. MetaMask will autocomplete the Token Symbol and Token Decimal.
    3. Click Add custom token.

Connect your wallet to the Prodigy Dual Investment testnet and start testing

  1. Go to the Prodigy testnet website: 
  2. Connect your MetaMask test wallet account. Make sure the network is set to Mumbai.
  3. Keep the WBCT/USDC trading pair from the asset dropdown list.
  4. Keep the Buy Low direction option.
  5. Review the options in the table and click Subscribe to complete a test subscription.

Provide your testing feedback

After using our testnet, provide us with feedback so that we can make improvements to our product for launch.

Complete this feedback form. We’ll respond to everyone with updates on how we’re implementing your feedback!

Connect with Us

You can connect with us on the following platforms:

  • Twitter
  • Discord & Telegram coming soon!

About Prodigy

Prodigy Protocol is a next-gen, decentralized finance platform building premium trading products for retail and institutional traders. With years of experience developing traditional finance and Web3 products, we’re building best-in-class DeFi products focused on performance, self-custody, and customer satisfaction.